It's summer. I've decided to go on my annual summer ice cream diet. Without fail, no matter what it takes, I need my daily ice cream. Every day. Saturday I had it twice. Ben&Jerry's Milk and Cookies has become a person favorite, either in a cone or a personal carton of it all for myself. Or Edy's chocolate, in a cup with some milk and three oreos. I had that last night and the night before. I'm just excited for my summer curves.
Ohhhh yes! I don't have any ice cream in my house right now (except for some kind of strange ice cream sandwiches that don't taste good -- they must be "lite" or something) and every night at about 9:00 I curse myself for not having gotten some. I'm never going to lose my pregnancy weight at this rate, but sheesh, ice cream just tastes too darn good! I'm going to have to try the chocolate/milk/Oreos combo; that sounds super-delicious.
ooooooo. Ben & Jerry's Phish Food is my downfall...
What the random? (the previous comment, I mean)
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